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Gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication letter

£ 9
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If an allegation of gross misconduct for intoxication is upheld, send this model letter to the employee to confirm their dismissal without notice or payment in lieu of notice.

This letter must only be sent once a disciplinary hearing has been held.

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10 mins
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What is a Gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication letter?

The purpose of a Gross Misconduct Dismissal for Intoxication letter template is to formally notify an employee that they are being dismissed from their position due to gross misconduct related to intoxication. This letter is an essential part of the disciplinary process and serves several important purposes:

  1. Formal Communication: The letter provides a formal and documented communication of the decision to terminate the employee's employment. It outlines the specific reason for the dismissal, which is gross misconduct related to intoxication.

  2. Legal Compliance: By providing a written letter, the employer ensures compliance with employment laws and regulations that may require a clear and documented reason for termination.

  3. Clarity and Transparency: The letter clearly explains the reason for the employee's dismissal, leaving no room for misunderstandings. It outlines the employer's stance on unacceptable behavior related to intoxication in the workplace.

  4. Evidence in Case of Dispute: In the unfortunate event of legal action or dispute, the dismissal letter serves as evidence that the employee was dismissed for gross misconduct, providing a record of the decision-making process.

  5. Employee Awareness: The letter makes the employee aware of the severity of their actions and the consequences they face due to gross misconduct. It emphasizes the seriousness of the situation and the employer's commitment to maintaining a safe and professional work environment.

  6. Finality: The dismissal letter signifies the final step in the disciplinary process, making it clear that the employer has exhausted all other options before taking the decision to terminate the employee's employment.

  7. Reminder of Policies: The letter may reference the company's policies and code of conduct, reminding employees of the expected behavior and the consequences of violating those policies.

Best practice timescale for this to be issued
When should this letter be issued?
As soon as possible after a decision is made
Issued by who, to whom
Who should issue this letter, and to whom?
The Employer (you) to the Employee
Applicable legal jurisdictions
In which jurisdictions can this letter be used?
Great Britain & NI (United Kingdom), Worldwide

What legislation and best practice guidelines have been taken into account in the development of this template?

United Kingdom
  1. Employment Rights Act 1996: Provides a statutory framework for the termination of employment contracts. The Act allows employers to dismiss employees for gross misconduct, including intoxication, which can be considered a serious breach of employment contract terms.

  2. Equality Act 2010: While intoxication itself is not a protected characteristic, the Act requires employers to treat all employees fairly and consistently. Dismissing an employee for intoxication-related misconduct should be applied consistently without discriminating against any particular group.

  3. Health and Safety at Work Act 1974: Employers have a legal duty to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of their employees. Allowing an intoxicated employee to continue working can pose serious safety risks, and dismissal for intoxication supports a safe work environment.

  4. The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999: Employers are required to assess the risks to health and safety in the workplace, and intoxication-related incidents can be considered a breach of these regulations.

  5. The Transport and Works Act 1992: This Act makes it an offense for certain workers, such as those in the railway industry, to be unfit for duty due to drugs or alcohol. Dismissing an employee for intoxication can demonstrate compliance with this Act.

  6. Company Policies and Code of Conduct: Many companies have explicit policies and codes of conduct that prohibit employees from being intoxicated in the workplace. Dismissing an employee for intoxication reinforces the importance of adhering to these policies.

  7. Case Law: Previous court rulings and employment tribunal decisions have supported the dismissal of employees for gross misconduct related to intoxication, establishing precedents for employers to follow.

  8. Contractual Terms: Employment contracts may include provisions about expected behavior and conduct, which can include adhering to rules related to intoxication. A gross misconduct dismissal can be supported by a breach of these contractual terms.

It's important to note that while dismissal for gross misconduct related to intoxication may be justified in certain circumstances, employers must follow proper procedures, conduct a thorough investigation, and provide the employee with an opportunity to respond to the allegations before making a final decision. Failure to follow fair procedures could result in an unfair dismissal claim.

Other territories

Consult your jurisdiction's employment legislation or labor laws to ensure compliance with the template. Review the language for local precision.

Gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication [Delete this line]

[Company name]

[Sender address]



[Recipient name]

[Recipient address]


Dear [Recipient first name],


Termination of employment

[It was alleged that you were | You were reported as being] intoxicated on the job during working hours on [date], and you were suspended while a full investigation was carried out by [name].

The investigation concluded that your behaviour on [date] adversely affected the operational efficiency and effectiveness of your department and threatened the safety of other employees. The investigation recommended that a disciplinary hearing be held for you to respond to the [report | allegation].

A disciplinary hearing was held on [date] and you [were | were not] accompanied at the hearing. [Despite your representations ]I have concluded that your behaviour on [date] amounted to gross misconduct in accordance with the company Disciplinary policy. As such, I have decided that you will be dismissed summarily, i.e. without notice or payment in lieu of notice. 

Your last day of service with the company was [date] and all terms and benefits associated with your employment ceased as of that date. Your final pay, including all forms of compensation due to you, will be issued to you in the usual manner.

You have the right of appeal against this decision. Your appeal should be directed to [Name | the HR Department | HR Services] within [number] days of receiving this letter. It should set out in full the reason(s) for your appeal.


Yours [faithfully | sincerely],



[Sender name]

[Sender job title]

[Sender telephone]
[Sender email]

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Disciplinary hearing script

Our Disciplinary Hearing Script Template ensures structured proceedings, promoting fairness and adherence to disciplinary policies during hearings.

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Gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication letter template
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Dismissal appeal outcome confirmation letter template

If a former employee has appealed against their dismissal and an appeal hearing has been held, send this model letter as confirmation of the outcome.

Gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication letter
gross misconduct dismissal for intoxication letter